
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My love for school supplies has never stopped...

So with the 2015-2016 school year already starting or almost ready to start (depending on the school district your child is in), it's fun for me to look over school supplies.

I have always loved school supplies and office supplies (now that I am an adult). My favorite thing when I was younger was my brand new crayon box. I loved opening the lid of the crayon box and seeing all the different hues and shades and colors and seeing the still sharp points ready to be used. But I didn't want to ruin them yet I needed to. Yes, I guess that should have been my wake up call to how much I would love getting ready for school every year when I was in school (through college) and how much I am enjoying homeschooling my 7 year old.

It's been a whirlwind of a ride since Jim and I made the decision in mid-February of this last school year to take her out of the private school she was in and homeschool her, with me as the teacher, cafeteria lady, bus driver, counselor, and wearer of more hats. She was not be challenged in her old school and was being pigeonholed into waiting for the rest of the class to catch up or she was helping "teach". You cannot do that to a gifted child who continually is thirsting for another layer of knowledge after quickly learning the previous layer.

So now, my youngest is working on middle school schoolwork and diving in to the incredible worlds of annd not limited to: Astronomy, Ancient World History, American History, beginning Geometry and finishing up figuring out fractions, understanding the many layers of Language Arts, Foreign Languages, and Music, and Art Appreciation. Believe me, she appreciates and loves the large amount of choices for learning!

It's a blast to watch her voice an opinion about lessons and field trips (we love our field trips) and what she wants to go off-topic and learn more about before learning the next chapter. Hearing her different ways of figuring out problems is fun and a learning experience for steps I may never have used to find the answers. I know not everyone believes in homeschooling or can do homeschooling, but for this mom, it has been an excellent and very happy choice.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Delicious Recipes...Amish Friendship Bread

I wanted to make sure that in this blog I posted recipes to share.  Whether they were links to wonderful, yummy foods or tasty, recipes friends and family want to share I figured food sharing is fun!

We all have heard and know about Amish Friendship Bread, right? Where you either start it off yourself and pass out the zipped baggies of bread goo to watch and feed and nurture for a couple weeks then bake and pass out either more goo to friends and family or your kitchen ends up feeling like a science experiment gone awry. My family absolutely loves this bread!

I used to love eating it too, that is til I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and took about 99% of sugars/carbs/starches off my menu. I promised my family they would still get my delicious baked goods and homemade foods so when I mentioned Amish Bread the other night there was a dinner table of smiling faces.

My athletes need their mixture of proteins and carbs for all they do, so as long as I have all the ingredients, the science experiments shall begin (tee hee).

This is the link for Amish Friendship Bread from the beginning - in case you do not have a friend or family member who is in the midst of creating the bags of goo. This link is incredible. You can find the recipe of the starter mix and so much more! The list of the variations of different breads in huge and makes me want to try to bake them (except for this nasty summer heat).

This link is fun!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

It's Coming Up To "That Time of Year" again...

I absolutely love Fall (just a couple more weeks then my pumpkins can come out of hibernation)! It means that cooler weather is coming and apple season and pumpkin season and time for the NFL to be in full swing! Yes, I love my football! But that's for another post.

This time of year I start revving up into a higher gear because Christmastime or Hanukkah will be here before we know it (for those who shop) and the usual commentary around Thanksgiving about "wow, this time just flew by" and "the holidays are too soon" will be heard while festive music can be heard in the background and and happy decorations are everywhere. Unless you live in Grinch-like neighborhoods, and if you do, I am so sorry.

I have a few friends who own their own businesses and would love to give a huge shout out to them and share their web pages/links. You can peruse their pages for possible presents (See what I did there? Alliteration is fun!). I trust and back these products, because I have either used them or I have worn them and love them!!!

Let's take a look, shall we?

Oh Whimsical Me - My dear friend Nadine has a beautiful jewelry making business. She is fantastic and very creative. Nadine will personalize your jewelry needs and she is incredible. Check out her biz page and give her a try. Exceptional workmanship and quality - I have a few personalized bracelets myself and absolutely adore them!!! Head over to and dive in. You won't be disappointed.

Posh Beauty - My friend Lisa is part of an incredible company that sells American made beauty products that you will fall for and love!! I have used a great many products throughout the line and can attest to the fact that you will not be disappointed. Skip on over to and enjoy your shopping!

That's two for now but there will be more....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

"Not all superheroes wear capes."

Hi, I'm Khriste, and this is my blog...
So, let me explain what this blog is all about. I wanted to be able to share my ideas, recipes, homeschooling information, friends blogs and businesses, and inspirations for life in some fashion. I've had so many friends nudge me to create a blog, put it all on a blog page, and share what I find or know with everyone and let others share, as well.
I guess that would have me begin with telling everyone who I am. I've been married to my wonderful hubby, Jim, for 18 years and am raising two beautiful and smart daughters. The oldest is a volleyball fanatic and freshman this Fall at an incredible high school geared toward her passion of the medical field. The youngest is a competitive figure skater and is my little homeschooler. She's  got me for a teacher (she's so lucky) and even though she's 7, she's gifted and working in school subjects that are from 6th through 8th grade, depending on the subject.
Life would be easier if they both were volleyballers or both figure skaters, but no one said life was easy (and yes we do channel our parents verbally, eek) and I am more then happy to be their taxi to practices and games and competitions. Their passion is awe inspiring!!!
I wasn't always a homeschooler, but I was given a great opportunity a couple years ago and haven't looked back (thank you, Jim!).I have a wonderful group of homeschooling Moms that are my "rocks" along with the public schooling Moms and Dads, I am waving at all of you!
I'm not only a homeschooler, but a freelance editor, and crafter. Mom of many hats and very little sleep - but then sleep is overrated!!!